"Her name is Carla, by the way"

Elliot: I just hate it. I hate the "darlins" I hate the "sweethearts" ...
Carla: You don't need to tell me how hard it is being a woman around here.
Elliot: Well, you're certainly furthering the cause by wearing a thong to work and hooking up in the on-call room. Word gets around.
Carla: You talk like that, do you even know my name? I spend every second of my life either here, or taking care of my mom. So, yeah, maybe I needed a little closeness. I'm sure you never had a quickie at the club, right? Or snuck some skinny, flat-butted college boy up to your sorority room. And my thong? I happen to think it makes my ass look good. And some days, I need to feel good about something around here. And you judge me? Well, guess what, word does get around, Miss "Out For Herself", so you can dump on everyone here if you want; but you will not hurt me.
J.D.: Her name's Carla, by the way.


Ja det såg jag, börjat om från början av serien igen :)

2008-12-18 @ 00:29:15
URL: http://www.metrobloggen.se/emmashorna

Vi har inte heller skickat men nästa år kanske om man nu kommer ihåg :P

Ja scrubs är alltid kul :)

2008-12-18 @ 12:01:30
URL: http://www.metrobloggen.se/emmashorna

Precis minnet blir inte bättre iallafall haha ;)

Jadå, hoppas du också har en bra dag.


2008-12-18 @ 13:01:22
URL: http://www.metrobloggen.se/emmashorna

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